The Young Eagles program is sponsored by the Experimental Aircraft Association. It is designed to expose young people, ages 8 to 17, to aviation by providing free rides in small aircraft flown by experienced EAA members. You can learn more about the program at the Young Eagles website
Throughout the year individual EAA members give Young Eagle rides to kids they know. Many Chapters also hold Young Eagles Rallies where lots of kids come to get their first airplane ride and are matched up with willing pilots.
EAA62 held its first Young Eagles Rally during Reid-Hillview Airport Day in September of 1992. That day we flew 42 Young Eagles. Since then EAA62 has given over 2500 Young Eagles airplane rides. If you are a Young Eagle you can find your name in the World's Largest Logbook.
All Young Eagle rides are given by licensed private pilots, in aircraft inspected and certified by the FAA. In addition to the Young Eagle rides, EAA Chapter 62 offers one or two all-expense paid scholarships to attend the Air Academy in Oshkosh. If you are between 16 and 18 years old, interested in aviation, and would like to apply to the scholarship, go to the Air Academy page.
For more info on Young Eagles send email to Contact: YE coordinator or call Russ at (408) 257-9125 or (408) 421-8437 (cell).
Rod Machado wrote a wonderful article in AOPA magazine outlining the virtues of exposing kids to aviation.