Each summer, the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Aviation Foundation's Air Academy offers Young Eagles everywhere the chance to come to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and learn all about aviation. The Aviation Camps provide youths ages 16 through 18 the chance to get hands-on experience in several aspects of aviation.
The EAA Advanced (16 - 18 years) Air Academy provides an atmosphere
where mature students become totally immersed in the world of
flight. Ground instruction and introductory recreation flight
experiences highlight this action-packed camp. It combines
"in-the-air" and "on-the-ground" hands-on activities. The EAA Advanced
Air Academy also includes full participation (access to forums,
flight-line and all associated activities) in EAA AirVenture Oshkosh -
the world's premier aviation event!
EAA Air Academy Aviation Camps are supervised and administered by top-notch aviation instructors and enthusiasts who offer more than 200 years of combined Academy teaching experience. From the moment a participant arrives, the sky becomes the goal as a dynamic aviation experience unfolds and close friendships with fellow aviation enthusiasts begin. All camps are conducted at the at the EAA Leadership Center in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, with the residence portion of the program at the impressive Air Academy Lodge.
Each year, for over a decade, EAA Chapter 62 chooses one or two exceptional youths to attend one of the EAA Air Academy Camps. Chapter 62 pays all transportation, tuition and room and board. This is a special event for young aviation enthusiasts, and Chapter 62 takes great pride in providing this opportunity. You can find more information about the Air Academy at http://www.youngeagles.org/programs/airacademy/. You can also check out the powerpoint presentation from our 2010 candidates.
The 2020 information sheet and application form is now available (PDF format). Please distribute the form to other interested youngsters. IMPORTANT: The deadling for applications is October 15th, 2019.