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Andy Werback's Legacy RG Project : A new direction

01 - 26 - 2015

After having flown the Legacy FG for a few years, suffered through a couple episodes of gear shimmy (a simple cure after was found only after the engine mount was cracked and repaired!), it was time to move on. A Legacy RG kit, "new in box" was available. Serial L2K-112 (kit #12) had been stored in the shipping crate for 8 years or so. Right away I discovered dozens of missing parts (actual count over 100), totaling about $5000. We eventually got this resolved, but it lead to some issues later on. Anyway, opening the box.. ahhh... Parts!!

Late 2008, opened the crate, inventoried the parts. Here is the fuselage

And the wings - complete with ribs, baffles, sealant. But not the AOA ports since this was an early kit

Good time to do some basic stuff - installing the elevator counterweights

And fit the inner canopy frame to the fuselage. This involves cutting the frame and splicing it back together

Here's the splice - carbon, foam, and then more carbon. Very stiff

And a little more assembly in the front of the canopy structure, where the hinges are mounted

December 2005 - Off to Lancair in Redmond, OR. Lots of big parts

And lots of small parts too. Just don't want to forget anything (but we did!)

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