Gee, still waiting for the rest of the big pieces. It's really January 2, but I'm just now getting around to updating this project. The panel showed up just around Thanksgiving, but I soon discovered I needed some changes, so part of it is being reworked. Meanwhile, finish the fuel system, install the rudder pedals and brake lines, and start wiring.
Received word that the engine is supposed to go into the Clean Room for assembly in about a week!
This is what showed up late November. Wonder what could be in it?
Lots of packing material, for one thing
Golly, that looks interesting!
It looks like an instrument panel. Really nice paint, good lettering, great workmanship
Just had to see if it would still fit. Mike and Don helping
Meanwhile, relocate the fuel pump down lower to the floor and replumb
Just love bending those fuel lines, remembering to put on the sleeves before flaring!