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Andy Werback's Legacy Project : In other news...

03 - 22 - 2006

Yes, still waiting for an engine. But, we should have the exhaust back this week and installed for test like maybe this weekend. Golly, time to work in the Lancair again?

** [4/7/06] Well, still not ready. Real soon, though.

In the meantime, I did some research on a project that would take awhile and offer some different challenges. Found a Skybolt for sale, partially completed, in New Hampshire. John LaBelle has been building airplanes for years, this was his third Skybolt, but he wasn't going to finish it. The welding has been done, lower wings assembled, price was right, and lots of parts came with it.

Since we had several friends/relatives, driving the truck cross country seemed like a good idea, so that's what we did! 3500 miles, 7 days, and $1150 worth of diesel later...

We loaded up the 24' truck with the entire contents of John's garage

Boxes of spare parts, the fuselage on a rotisserie, lower wings, no problem

John makes Airplanes. These are Large RC models of a DHC-6, DC-4, Stearman

Yes, the DC-4 will have all 4 engines running when it flies

Off we went, first stop was the Air Force Museum. It's Huge - 3 hangers, working on a fourth!

Everything is in here - B52, B36, even a B1 and a B2!

My favorite - the B58 Hustler

In my previous career I worked on Radar Warning Systems. This is in the ALR-46 in the F4

Next stop was to visit Mark Sletten - He's also building a Lancair Legacy. Where's the sanding, Mark?

Then to Missouri to Meremec Caverns. Biggest cave I've ever been in. Spectacular!

The Pipe Organ room. Natural beauty

Now to Fort Leonard Wood. Daughter Katie is taking the Engineering Officer Basic Course, then off to the 3rd Infantry Division in Georgia

Studying for an exam with Chris. They keep very busy (definitely a good idea)

Next stop was cousin Carol and husband Rudy, also in Missouri. They've built a farm. Rudy also does restorations. This is a 54 Chevy that he shows

After endless miles across Oklahoma (no rain), Texas and New Mexico, finally got to Petrified Forest National Park and the Painted Desert

Sure wish we visitors hadn't trashed this place so much over the years, but still pretty impressive

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