Intrepid Airmen, EAA Chapter 62, January 2003

Presidents corner
Jon Garliepp

We must all thank the members who came forward in 2002 to fill the officer and board vacancies. We owe them for all their effort, without which, we may have failed as a chapter.

Also a big thank you to our new Vice President Alec Piplani for all the effort he and his family, put into our Holiday party held in Vern's Hanger. It was a great success. Alec actually cooked the turkey, stuffing and the works, himself. It was very good. Those who weren't able to attend missed a good time, and a great feast, thanks to the dishes that the members brought.

To make this a great year I will need your help, and I will be calling on the membership in many areas. I am not a pilot, an A&P, nor have I participated in the aviation industry. I came to the EAA and Chapter 62 because of an interest in flying, and flying machines.

We are planning many interesting meeting programs this year, hopefully some of them 'hands on' building techniques. If you know of someone who could bring an interesting program to our meeting, please let us know.

The Young Eagles program is up and running. We should have several events throughout the good weather months. Carlo can always use help at the YE events. Please contact him at 408-799-9095.

Hopefully we will also be having more fly-outs in this year. If anyone has any ideas on this subject please let us know.

We all need to work on strengthening our membership this year. Dues for 2003 are $30.00 per year and now due. Why not bring a friend, or someone interested in aviation to our meetings. Guests are always welcome.

Please Note: January's meeting will be on the second Thursday, January 9th, and the board meeting the 16th.

Meet Chapter 62 VP Alec Piplani

Greeting Chapter 62 members! My name is Alec Piplani, and I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself since you've elected me to serve as your chapter Vice President. Here is a quick biography:

I migrated to the Bay Area in 1989 after a four-year military tour serving on the East coast and deployed in the Mediterranean (enlisted Marine Corps). Professionally, I've worked as an engineer and senior technical manager for a half-dozen medical device startup companies during the past 13 years. Several of these startups have been successfully sold-off to large, established manufacturers, and I'm currently "smelling the roses" as a consultant before beginning another venture. Academically, I have a BS Degree in Chemical Engineering, a BA Degree in Physics, and 28 US patent awards (wow?ed).

I started flying in 1994 fulfilling a life-long dream of soaring above congested freeways. At the present time, I hold a commercial pilots license and instrument rating (ASEL). In December 1996, I began work on a Glastar project. I finished over 1/3 of the airframe before becoming distracted with new startup companies, marriage, a child, and a new house. Earlier this year, the garage was finally setup so I could resume work on the Glastar, and 2003 is expected to be a productive aircraft-building year. My wife, Dinah, has been very supportive of the Glastar project even though she voted for a Lancair ES. My three-year-old daughter, Rosemary, wants to help build the airplane...that should be an adventure.

Okay, that's enough about me...let's talk about Chapter 62. As your new VP, my goals for the coming year are simple:

I hope all chapter members will join us in achieving these goals. Let's have fun!

Warm regards,

Schedule of Events

Frazier Lake Antique Display is the first Saturday of every month from 10AM-4PM at 1C9, Frazier Lake Airport. Come to visit or display your antique aircraft



Editor's desk
ed rosiak

Happy New Year!!

2003 is upon us, and there is much to consider. Which air shows to attend this year; how much will you get accomplished on your aircraft project; and what does membership in Chapter 62 mean to you?

Your membership in Chapter 62 has a number of benefits to you, as pointed out in Wolfgang Polak's article about renewing your membership online, in this issue. Yes, I know you have heard it before-you get back what you give. The formula for chapter success remains the same. Let's all chip in this year to help on program ideas and events.

Carlo Treves has Young Eagles flying again and he can use your help in setting up events and working them. If you know of a group that may be interested why not call Carlo, and work with him to make it happen?

Our new VP, Alec Piplani, has already cut his teeth on the Holiday Dinner, and will need help heading up the monthly program team. How about joining his team to ensure we have good programs every month? We already know that August and December are accounted for so that only leaves ten months to worry about.

Speaking of monthly programs, since there are so many builders in this chapter how about volunteering for some hands on programs to demonstrate and provide 'hands on' work with metal, fabric, wood or composites? Each could become a monthly program. We'll need your particular expertise for this though. A hands-on workshop for the meeting program, now that is educational. As I have said previously, “I have a good feeling about this year”.

Pot Luck Dinner

If you missed the December Pot Luck dinner/meeting, then it was too bad for you. We had a great turn out with a wonderful meal—more than we could eat. Although in Chapter 62 style, we made a good try at it. There are a couple of things well worth mentioning. First: Alec Piplani did an OUTSTANDING job getting the Potluck event coordinated, and making it a huge success. Not only Alec, but also his wife and sister-in-law helped too. We had a very festive atmosphere in Vern’s hangar with Holiday Colors, and Christmas Tree and more.

Second: The program that Jack Browlus presented on his father’s design, The Bumble Bee/Nelson Dragonfly was very interesting. We watched Jack’s father’s home movies (circa 1946) of the aircraft and enjoyed his great narrative. Jack has other such movies too so it seems to me we have a great potential for another interesting program from Jack.


I suppose that it becomes second nature to take some things for granted, but it isn’t right. One of the people I missed thanking in December’s Editor Desk was Vern Miller (and his wife Beth). Allowing Chapter 62 to use their hangar year after year is beyond generous. Thank you so much.


There were a couple of fly-outs last year and each was successful in its own way. I believe that we can do more this year with your help. If you have an idea for a fly-out why not share it? We will again try to fill empty seats in fly-out airplanes with members who are not able to fly themselves. It is a win-win as members get to fly and the pilot can get assistance sharing the costs. This makes it more work to coordinate, but maybe we can automate the process a little this year by using the chapter’s web site. Let’s go flying. ……ed

Getting more from the web
Wolfgang Polak

It is that time of the year again; it's time to renew your Chapter membership. Sure, the Chapter wants your money, but there's more to it than that. Renewal is a great time to update the membership records and make sure your phone numbers, your email and all the other vital data are correct in the database. The online roster is one of your member benefits and it's in everyone's interest to keep things current.

To make all this happen, our membership chairman, John Wieler, wants you to fill out a new membership application at renewal time. It has all the relevant data for the roster. On the web site, we've tried to make this process as painless as possible. Read on, if you've never gone there - have your EAA number ready.

Your renewal is only three clicks away.


In an ideal world, you ought to be able to pay with your credit card right on the web site. Your Board has discussed this option and there were some good arguments against it, in particular given the size of our organization. Maybe it will happen in the future, but for now you're stuck with pen and check book.

And, if you move, buy another airplane, change your cell phone provider, or get another email address, you can use the same procedure anytime to update the Chapter Database. Just click on "Update Membership Info" in step two and omit the payment part.

Here's a reminder of some good reasons to renew or join us at Chapter 62:

It is that easy. Be sure to renew today so you can enjoy the year with us.

December holiday party



Meeting Minutes
Ted Robinson

Minutes from the general meeting, EAA chap 62, December 5, 2002

The Chapter 62 Christmas party was the main event for Thursday, December 6, 2002. As such, there was no meeting, in the usual sense. The party was well attended by members and significant others, as well as many students from Independence High School. Alec Piplani did a fantastic job of preparation. Each member brought something; all had a good time. Outgoing officers and board members were presented with certificates of appreciation. Outgoing president Rolland LaPelle handed the gavel over to incoming president John Garliepp.

The after dinner program was a grand presentation by Jack Bowlus. Jack gave a very interesting presentation of his father, the early days at Ryan Aircraft and the Bowlus gliders.

Respectfully submitted,
Ted Robinson,
Chapter Secretary

Ted robinson

Minutes from the board meeting, EAA chap 62, December 12, 2002

New president John Garliepp called the meeting to order at 7:33. There was no Secretary's Report. Randy Wilde presented a Treasurer's Report. Alec Piplani gave a report on the Christmas party. The total expenditures were approximately $300.00. It was moved and seconded to renew our chapter insurance; the coverage is for one million dollars. We spoke some of expanding the chapter and getting new members. It would be beneficial to get the programs and speakers scheduled well in advance of the meeting so we could advertise well in advance. We voted to move January's meetings to the 9th and the 16th.

Carlo talked about the Young Eagle's program. We need to spread the word to the local schools. There will be a large Young Eagles event at Moffett in June. Chapter 62 has flown 2600 kids to date.

(Awesome.... .ed)

Officers, Board Members and chapter members in attendance were:
John Garliepp, Alec Piplani, Randy Wilde, Ted Robinson, Ralph Reichhold, Carlo Treves, Wolfgang Polak, Larry Reed, Ed Rosiak and Rolland LaPelle.

Respectfully submitted,
Ted Robinson,
Chapter Secretary

Get your 2003 EAA Calendar at January's Meeting

Rich Moriarity wants everyone to know that he will be selling the EAA 2003 wall calendar at the January meeting (or you can call or email him 510-979-9271 richm60 at The cost is $12 and helps raise funds for Chapter 62.

The 2003 calendar is special because it celebrates a century of powered flight with gorgeous pictures of the most exciting and loved designs of the past century.

Okay folks, here is another good opportunity to support your chapter, and get something back. Buy your EAA 2003 calendar so you can mark all of the Chapter 62 and other aviation events so you don't miss anything.

Flight sites
Greg Pisanich

Winter Operations

I'm writing this in mid December when we've just received our first winter storms.

They are forecasting more precipitation for this weekend with colder temperatures and a lower snow level. Whoo hoo, winter's here! Time to load up the snowboard and fly up to Tahoe, or Mammoth for some snow action. But before you do, you may want to brush up on winter operations.

Here's some basic advice from the FAA:

This site has some good advice for planning for ops and also some good humor. Those of you that served in the military will appreciate some of the humor ('ever tried installing a washer at 20 below? This is tough even at 70 degrees!).

This has a good story of landing (safely) and surviving in a winter environment. It has a good list of gear to take along with you if you are planning to head through a winter (or high altitude/high latitude) environment.

This is a very interesting site. Bonus: There's even a full book available online at:

Have you ever flown an airplane on skis? This article describes some of the fun and challenges of this extension to our sport.

Van's RV-10 Progress Report

As taken from one of the daily online newsletters:

Van's Aircraft continues to make progress on the four-place RV-10. As we told you months ago, the RV-10, Van's first 4-place bird, is taking shape. Just how much shape, is now available to the world. One of the sleekest 4-place metal ships to come down the pike, the RV-10 may make its first appearance at Sun 'n Fun, though no one will say for certain.

Here's what Van's will say: "On November 4, the tail cone and cabin sections of the prototype RV-10A were permanently joined. A mock-up composite cabin top was pulled off the upper cabin plug and temporarily installed on the fuselage. This will be used to refine the exact location and shape of the windows.

At least on this prototype the rear window, shown behind the rear seat passenger's heads on some preliminary drawings, will not be installed. The baggage door is fabricated but hasn't been installed yet?we plan to use the access to help finish the baggage floors.

"The prototype cabin will sport Oregon Aero seats in the front, on rails so they can slide forward to let the rear seat occupants enter. Tentative plans for the panel include an ACS engine monitor, TruTrack 2-axis auto pilot, and VFR flight instrumentation." Excitement is building?


Swap & shop

Wanted: Non-airworthy wood prop for wall display. Contact Rob Norris RNorris4 at

RV-4 Empennage Kit and plans for complete aircraft (kit is complete, no work completed, purchased around 1988), Best offer over $350 with proceeds donated to the Education Fund. Randy Wilde 650-968-3048 / rkwilde at

Cozy: Wing foam, main spar, gas tanks, three place canopy, and turtleback for a Cozy available to the first person that will cart it away! Call Steve Nation at 408-377-2443.

Misc. Parts

Polliwagon, retracts, instruments, radios, lights, fuel tanks, etc. Some assembly required. $3500 negotiable. O-200 $4500 negotiable. Subaru EJ-22 $1500 negotiable, 1/2 in foam negotiable. Some fiberglass. Contact Ray Crist at 408 973-9730

Tomahawk Prop

Sensenich Model 72 CK-0-76

Fresh Zero-time overhaul; 1 run; never damaged, with log $1575, plus shipping contact: Howard Rogers EAA Chapter 62, San Jose, Ca. A&P 2005148 650-926-4052 days, 510-742-7436 evenings/weekends, 650-997-1089 pager hrogers at

Set of 2:500x5 wheels, axels w/ drum brakes & master cylinders

Ralph Reichhold 408-296-3582

Swap & Shop items are published in the Intrepid Airman for three months after which they are dropped unless the editor hears from the advertiser that he/she would like it to run another month or so. Please ensure that you send you items in as early as possible to make the current month's IA. Check the beginning of the column for the latest entries.

Tsa hotline goes live

TSA's GA Hot Line Goes Live on- On Monday, December 2, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will activate its toll-free hot line-866/GA SECURE (866/427-3287)-for reporting any suspicious and/or out-of-the-ordinary activities at GA airports. Calls made to the GA SECURE Hot Line will go directly to the National Response Center where they will be referred to the appropriate local, state and federal agency for action. TSA developed this hot line for the general aviation community in cooperation with the General Aviation Coalition, a collection of 16 GA organizations including EAA. Tom Poberezny, EAA President, serves as Chair of the Coalition. EAA echoes TSA's urging to private pilots and others who frequent GA airports to help ensure the security of GA aircraft and airport operations across the country.

If you see any suspicious activity at your airport, call 866/GA SECURE.

Members Meeting: Thursday, January 9th, 2003
Please note, the general meeting is the 2nd Thursday in January. The Board decided this to enable our busy members to attend the January meeting.

At press the time the program was not determined. Why not use the year's first meeting as a brainstorm session similar to last year? Come to the meeting and help to determine what direction the chapter should take in 2003....