Chapter News

Website problem
May 5, 2024
Sometime late April 2024 our website was compromised and the Chapter database we destroyed. The website has been restored as of 5/5/2024. Please report any problem to the webmaster at

Recording of the 7/8/2021 General Meeting
July 8, 2021
Lonny McClung, Captain, USN, talks about the England to Australia Race. View the recording

General Meeting - now virtual
June 4, 2020
Some intrepid airmen convened in cyberspace for the Chapter's general meeting.

South County Young Eagle Event
May 20, 2017
The chapter flew 111 Young Eagles at the Wings of History open house.

Vicky Benzing at EAA62
December 3, 2015
Vicky was our speaker at the Holiday dinner. She gave a very nice presentation about aerobatic competition and airshow flying. If you missed the dinner, you can view her
presentation online (very large).

Viewing items 1 through 5. Older news.
All content not otherwise protected is © 2000-2024 by EAA Chapter 62
Questions and Feedback can be sent to Wolfgang Polak.

Web hosting donated by Hurricane Electric.